Rasm e Dil (Pakistani) Drama Star Cast , Story, Timings, Actors, Roles, Wiki & More 


ARY Digital has launched a promo for one of its new shows Rasm e Dil . One after another, the channel is giving hit projects. Soon, we are going to get Rasm e Dil drama on ARY Digital with an exciting storyline, talented cast, and intense emotions. 

The cast of Rasm e Dil includes some of Pakistan’s most popular television actors and actresses. They are the superstars of their respective art forms. and the story is sure to keep viewers hooked.

 The show stars, The lead roles will be played by Zaviyar Nouman, Hania Amir, and Wahaj Ali are playing l in Rasme Dil.

Its OST and timing will be announced very soon as well. It is expected that the drama serial will be in March 2023. 8:00 PM (PST) Episode on Official YouTube Channel.

Rasm E Dil Drama is a Pakistani romantic drama  written by Sidra Seher Imran.. And  This is the direction of Badar Mehmood. who has worked in the industry for a long time.

Rasm e Dil Storyline

The first trailer for the drama has been released. The drama serial will be aired on ARY Digital very soon. ARY Digital has always been seen giving a different kind of surprise to its viewers with some very interesting shows.

Soon ARY Digital is going to present a new and interesting show in front of the fans.  The story of the drama is exciting. The story looks fun and the fans already have huge expectations because these are talented actors and actresses . Their characters have been enacted in movies and they have been on screen as well.

Rasm e Dil
Rasm e Dil

Rasm e Dil on ARY Digital Details:

Channel NameARY Digital
Television ShowRasm E Dil
Main CastZaviyar Nouman, Hania Amir, and Wahaj Ali
WriterSidra Seher Imran.
ProducedBig Bang Entertainment
DirectorBadar Mehmood
Release DateMarch, 2023
Schedule and Timing8:00 PM (PST)
Love Triangle

Also Read: Ishq Di Chashni Star Cast (Star Plus), Story, Timings, Actors, Roles, Wiki & More

Rasm e Dil Star Cast

  • Zaviyar Nouman
  • Hania Amir,
  • Wahaj Ali

Rasm e Dil Actors Names With Photos

Zaviyar Nouman

Zaviyar Nouman
Zaviyar Nouman

Hania Amir

Hania Amir
Hania Amir

Hania Amir Instagramhaniaheheofficial

Wahaj Ali

Wahaj Ali
Wahaj Ali


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